Embracing diversity, equity and inclusion is our shared responsibility. Our goal is to come together and strengthen our community and culture by representing and embracing all ethnicities, nationalities, disabilities, genders, religions and sexual orientations.

Education is an integral component of our diversity, equity and inclusion journey at USLI. It is our continued goal to create more educational resources and opportunities for our leaders and employees to learn more about these topics, as well as the history of racism, discrimination and inequalities that still exist today.

In support of our educational goals for diversity, equity and inclusion, some of our core initiatives in this area include:

  • A resource library of videos, articles, books and podcasts, with individual resources highlighted monthly
  • Art of Awareness DEI course focused on worldview, unconscious bias and microaggressions
  • Continuing education course for leadership: Leadership and Conversations Through Controversial Social Times
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion modules:
    • Bryan Stevenson’s “We Need to Talk About an Injustice” TED Talk
    • The Equal Justice Initiative’s “True Justice” documentary  
  • Presentation on “The What and Why of DEI” from guest speaker Stacey Gordon of Rework Work
  • Diversity and inclusion courses from Traliant, a provider of compliance training
    • Diversity, Inclusion, Sensitivity and Racism
    • Cultural Competency and Literacy


“Together, we are on a journey, striving to improve our understanding of others’ realities.”
—Tom Nerney, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer